
Glamour is a magazine that translates style and trends for the real lives of American women.

Our award-winning editorial covers the most pressing interests of our 12.4 million readers: from beauty, fashion and health to politics, Hollywood and relationships. We’re often optimistic, always inclusive, beyond empowering and can always separate the Dos from the Don’ts. Our readers live for fashion, live for beauty and most of all, live for Glamour. Each month Glamour delivers the best in fashion, beauty, health, sex, dating and more.

Kindle Magazines are fully downloaded onto your Kindle so you can read them even when you’re not wirelessly connected. Interactive content such as videos and slide shows are only available on: Kindle Fire 2nd Generation, Kindle Fire HD, Kindle Fire HDX.

Learn how to glamorize every facet of your life with Glamour magazine, which features in-depth interviews with the celebrities you love and the latest in entertainment news. The fashion and beauty tips are priceless, and the reviews of products will help you decide which of the newest items may work best for your lifestyle. As far as relationships, the periodical is a great friend to turn to for advice about the ladies and men who are in your life.

Glamour magazine showcases stories about the struggles and triumphs of women from all over the world. Each unique tale will embolden you to continue reaching for your dreams and overcome your personal struggles to achieve happiness. The publication takes a deep look into current social issues that women face and shows you how to make a difference in the lives of others. It offers real-life knowledge on what women like you face today, as well as what women have been through in the past, both good and bad.

Many issues of Glamour magazine also contain probing information on current health issues that you and your friends are exposed to every day. It offers suggestions on what you can do to be fit and healthy in a fast-paced world. Features articles provide advice on how to take care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally.

You will learn something new about yourself or your female friends and loved ones with every Glamour magazine issue that you’re lucky enough to get your hands on. As a bonus, you’ll frequently receive insight into your male friends’ psyches as well.