The Family Handyman

Tackle any home improvement project or repair with help from The Family Handyman. Guarantee success with step-by-step instructions and how-to photos, plus save time and money with handy hints, workshop tips and new product reviews. No matter how little experience you have, The Family Handyman makes it easy! Family Handyman publishes 11 issues per year which includes a special issue that counts as 2 issues in your subscription.The Family Handyman magazine provides everything readers need to complete home improvement projects and other jobs around the house. From a Question & Answers section for readers to articles detailing the top tools, you will find tips and suggestions on the best way to handle any project on your to-do list.

Each issue of The Family Handyman magazine includes a Great Goofs section, which details some of the worst mistakes that readers made around the house. If you ever felt silly after accidentally knocking out the power or forgetting to turn off the water, these stories will make you feel a little better and a little more confident. When you need advice, you can turn to the Workshop Tips section, where writers give you basic tips on how to work more efficiently in your workshop.

The New Products section helps you learn more about specific tools and products for your projects. In addition to photographs and a basic description, the article also includes tips on using the product. The Family Handyman magazine also has an Ask the Handyman section, where readers post questions and experts offer advice and tips, but you can also head to the Handy Hits section for even more tips. These tips come directly from readers just like you who found simple ways to make major projects go a little faster and more smoothly, including building projects and home improvement jobs.

Subscribing to The Family Handyman magazine is like getting advice from an expert who has years of experience building and working with his hands.

3 Replies to “The Family Handyman”

  1. Ignore the glowing reviews from 10 years ago – this is just an advertisement book with the occasional clip of content tossed in. Amazon really needs to cycle through it’s highest rated reviews every few years. Maybe this magazine was great back in the early 2000’s, but today is it nothing more than a advertisement rag posing as a DIY magazine.I have received 2 issues and other than the cover article, it seems everything else is a tiny little blurb amidst a sea of other party ads. There is very, very little substance or instruction to be had. I would much rather pay you are higher price subscription for more content and less ads, than the current model that Handyman currently has.I’ll look elsewhere for my DIY interests.

  2. Nice tips and inspiration I’m a new homeowner that has done some small projects around the house and I really enjoy this magazine. I have very little background and still find it interesting. There is some more technical stuff too so I can see how a range of experience levels could get something out of it. I read the entire thing the night I get it.

  3. Great magazine for DIYers Can’t complain for less than a dollar an issue. Yes, there are a lot of ads and some repetition from one issue to the next, but I always get new ideas from every issue. If you intend to use these articles as comprehensive, step by step instructions to complete your project, you will be disappointed. But if you use the articles as a jumping off point for more extensive research it will work. (A few people gave it 1 star because they thought the instructions were over simplified.) If you don’t have basic skills and common sense, call a contractor.

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